



CVPR 2022 AI CITY CHALLENGE – Track 4 部門で優勝!



株式会社サイバーコア、コンピュータビジョンの国際的コンペティションCVPR 2022における

「AI CITY CHALLENGE – Track 4」部門で優勝


株式会社サイバーコア(本社:岩手県盛岡市 代表取締役社長:阿部英志 以下、「サイバーコア」)は、コンピュータビジョンの最高権威学会の国際コンペティション「CVPR 2022」における一部門「AI CITY CHALLENGE – Track4」にて優勝を飾りました。サイバーコアによるCVPRでの成果は、2018年の「iMaterialist」部門準優勝や、昨年2021年の「YouTube-VOS 2021 Challenge」での優勝を受けたプレゼンテーションに続く3度目となります。


今回サイバーコアが優勝した部門は、「Multi-Class Product Counting & Recognition for Automated Retail Checkout(小売店の自動チェックアウトにおける複数クラスの製品認識と数量カウント)」と題され、小売店のセルフレジで複数クラスの商品係数・認識の精度と処理速度を競うもの。シチュエーションはオクルージョン(重なり)、動作、アイテムの類似性、季節ごとに新規に作成されるSKU、誤検出や誤分類のコストといった現実世界のシナリオに基づいて設定されています。成果の実用的価値を最大化するため、製品認識の有効性とプログラムの実行効率の両方が各参加チームの最終スコアに貢献する設定となっており、効率と効果の合計スコアが最も高いチームが、このトラックの勝者となります。


「AI CITY CHALLENGE」コンペティションへは全体でおおよそ200チームが参加し、そのうちTrack4部門への参加チームは26チームでした。2位のチームと大きくスコアを引き離し、サイバーコアは優勝を手にしました。

チームサイバーコアは、今回の勝因について、モデルの汎用性を高めるため”Learning without Forgetting”技術を採用し、既存の畳み込みニューラルネットワーク(CNN)に新たな機能を追加したことで、トレーニングセットとかけ離れたテストセットに対して柔軟に対応できるモデルとしたこと、また、複数のモデルを掛け合わせ、それぞれの偏差を補うように工夫したことで、2位以下に大差をつけることができたのではないかと考えています。












  • 会社概要

会社名: 株式会社サイバーコア

代表者: 代表取締役CEO  阿部 英志


  • お問い合わせ先



CVPR 2022 AI City Challenge Track 4 Winner!!!

July 2022


Cybercore Co., Ltd. Won The First Prize

in CVPR 2022 [AI CITY CHALLENGE-Track 4]



Cybercore Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, Japan; CEO: Hideshi Abe; hereafter, “Cybercore”) won the first prize in the “AI CITY CHALLENGE – Track 4,” a challenge of practical CV (computer vision) applications hold by the most prestigious international conference CVPR 2022. This is Cybercore’s third CVPR achievement, following its 2018 runner-up presentation in the “iMaterialist” category and last year’s winning presentation in the “YouTube-VOS 2021 Challenge” in 2021.


Cybercore’s winning category, titled “Multi-Class Product Counting & Recognition for Automated Retail Checkout,” competed for the accuracy and processing speed of multi-class product coefficients and recognition at a retail self-checkout. Situations are set up based on real-world scenarios such as occlusion (overlap), behavior, item similarity, new SKUs created each season, and the cost of false positives and misclassifications. To maximize the practical value of the results, both product recognition effectiveness and program execution efficiency are set to contribute to each participating team’s final score, with the team with the highest combined efficiency and effectiveness score being the winner of this track.


Cybercore won the AI CITY CHALLENGE competition with a score far ahead of the second-place team among 26 teams that participated in the track out of the total participating 200 teams in CVPR 2022 challenge.

Team Cybercore explained that the reason for this win was that they employed “Learning without Forgetting” technology to increase the versatility of the model and added new features to the existing convolutional neural network (CNN) to make the model more flexible to test sets that are far different from the training set. We believe that we were able to beat the second-place team by a wide margin by making the model flexible enough to handle test sets that are far from the training set, and by combining multiple models to compensate for the deviation of each model.


Cybercore’s solutions have been provided to a wide variety of industries and range from the automotive industry to retail and more. By selecting and tuning the right model for each specific task based on our superior, originally developed elemental technologies, we can provide solutions that excel in accuracy, processing speed, and robustness. In addition, by utilizing original lightning technology that can compress the calculation volume by up to 1/20 while maintaining those qualities, it is possible to minimize the load, thus maximizing device performance and system potential. Cybercore will continue to further develop cutting-edge technologies to meet the needs of the world.

Reference image: actual competition image]


Reference video:



【About Cybercore Co., Ltd.

Since founded in 2007, we have been dedicated to research and development of image AI. We employ many international and talented engineers and have achieved world-class results with our scientific approach to the deep learning of AI, boldly challenging the limits of AI and creating many excellent solutions. In addition, we have been engaging in R&D for major automobile manufacturers as a specialist in image AI, and we aim to further expand our business by supporting our domestic and overseas customers in their DX efforts.

For details, please visit our HP (


  • Corporate outline

Company name: Cybercore Co., Ltd.

Representative: Hideshi Abe, Representative Director, CEO


  • Contact information

TEL: +81-19-681-8776(Ms. Taguchi, IT communicator


Cybercore and SC Automotive Engineering signed a strategic business alliance agreement on customer development and technology development.

Cybercore Co., Ltd., a developer of image recognition AI algorithms (hereinafter referred to as “Cybercore”; Head Office: Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture; President: Hiroshi Abe), and SC Automotive Engineering, Co., Ltd. (“SCAE”; Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Toshimi Yamanoi), a wholly owned subsidiary of Sumitomo Corporation that provides technology to major automotive companies, have signed a strategic business alliance agreement to provide solutions that utilize Cybercore’s world-leading* image recognition algorithms to customers of SCAE and SCAE’s parent company, Sumitomo Corporation.

SCAE provides a variety of solutions to major automakers and other transportation equipment manufacturers, and this business alliance is expected to leverage Cybercore’s core technologies, including the LuxEye® image sharpening library, the NeuroEye® lightweight AI algorithm, the WipeEye® missing image restoration algorithm Cybercore’s core technologies, and the DetectEye™ AI for judging abnormal products without the need for defective product learning, are expected to be leveraged to help solve customer issues using cutting-edge technologies.

Cybercore has been active in international AI competitions, where few Japanese companies have been successful. In addition, in April this year, the company launched a new AI system for vehicles. In April of this year, the ReID algorithm was ranked number one in the world by the international algorithm evaluation site Papers with Code. In June of this year, they won the YouTube-VOS 2021 Challenge, an international competition for image AI, out of 331 entries, and gave two presentations at the aforementioned CVPR 2021 conference.

In addition to automated driving, we have experience in developing solutions in a wide range of fields, including infrastructure, factory automation (FA), medical and welfare, and retail, such as convenience stores, as well as the RushEye® AI system for measuring congestion rates using depth cameras, which has already been introduced in the Tokyo Metro. We have a track record of developing solutions in a wide range of fields.

SCAE and the Sumitomo Corporation Group will reinforce Cybercore’s strengths in technology and its weaknesses in commercialization and sales expansion and will promote the business alliance with a view to a possible capital alliance in the future. With this opportunity, we expect to further accelerate our efforts to provide society with intrinsically valuable technologies.


SCオートモーティブエンジニアリング様と、 顧客開拓や技術開発についての戦略的な業務提携合意書を締結しました。


画像認識AIアルゴリズム開発を手掛ける株式会社サイバーコア(以下「サイバーコア」、本社:岩手県盛岡市、代表取締役社長:阿部英志)と、住友商事の100%子会社で自動車大手への技術提供等を行なうSCオートモーティブエンジニアリング株式会社(以下「SCAE」、本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:山ノ井 利美)はこのたび、サイバーコアのもつ世界でもトップクラス*の画像認識関連アルゴリズムを活用したソリューションをSCAEおよびSCAEの親会社にあたる住友商事の顧客に提供することを目的とした戦略的な業務提携合意書を締結しました。


サイバーコアはこれまで、日本企業ではほとんど成果が出ていなかった国際的なAIコンペティションで活躍。2018年に権威ある国際AIコンペティション&カンファレンス「CVPR 2018」の「iMaterialist」カテゴリーで2,261エントリー中準優勝の成績を収めました。また、今年4月には車両再識別(ReID)アルゴリズムが国際的なアルゴリズム評価サイト「Papers with Code」のランキングで世界1位を記録。続いて今年6月には画像AIの国際コンペティション「YouTube-VOS 2021 Challenge」で331エントリー中優勝を飾り、前述のカンファレンス「CVPR 2021」で2本のプレゼンテーションを実施するなど、高い技術力を有しています。





画像認識AI アルゴリズム開発のサイバーコア、不良品学習が不要の 正例判定AI アルゴリズム「DetectEye™」をリリース。エッジバージョンも開発へ。

04_20211208_DetectEye_PressRelease vF_link1



詳しくは、DetectEye Web Application操作マニュアルに記載されております。

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